Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Spoon Trick For Mascara Applicattion


The Spoon Trick For Mascara Applicattion

You are just finishing your makeup routine when GRRRR!!! In the process of putting mascara on your bottom lashes, some of it has smudged onto the skin beneath your lashes. Your makeup now looks like Elle Woods after Warner dumped her. Great.
Although a Q-tip can solve the problem, this usually results in some makeup being rubbed off in the process. But there IS a way to avoid this problem all together! The solution? Place a plastic spoon directly underneath your bottom lashes, with the back of the spoon facing out. Then apply your mascara!
The benefits?
  1. The spoon barrier prevents mascara from rubbing onto your skin.
  2. Applying mascara on top of a smooth surface helps avoid clumps and prevents lashes from sticking together.
  3. The whiteness of the spoon helps you see better how much mascara you are putting on, so you can adjust for volume and length!

Blogger : Sunrise
Photo : source


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